How would an extra $750 a month change your life?
The short answer is...who doesn't want extra money, right? However, you shouldn't fall for hype. You shouldn't use it as a marketing tool, either. You lose sales with this type of technique.
First, you aren't properly qualifying your prospects. If any one who sent me this message had taken even 30 seconds to look at my profile, they would know that I'm not a network marketer. I don't need "multiple revenue streams." I have those in my business because my business offers a lot of different services. I stay on the leading edge of what is needed and what is wanted. Then, I make it happen. So, I'm not even a qualified prospect for the people who send me this message. You want qualified prospects. I know that a big downline or more business sounds amazing to you. You're thinking more people equals more money...because since you're super dedicated, surely everyone is super dedicated. Wrong. Most people that you sign up want easy money. When they figure out that there's work involved, they come with excuses on why they can't do it...and then they will blame you or the business for failing. Do you want 100 people who ultimately quit or ten dedicated people who produce consistent results?
Second, don't talk about benefits until you know about the problems of your prospect. If you really want to make sales and sign people up you need to spend time talking and building a relationship. You can learn a lot about a person by reading their timeline or saying hi to them once in a while...without mentioning your business unless they ask what you do. Once you've established a relationship and you start hearing about their problems, you respond with empathy. Then you can say something about how something similar happened to you (be truthful) and how you were glad to have the extra money that your small business provides. Just keep the comment simple. If nothing else, it plants a seed.
Finally, if someone says no don't send them a follow up message about how they are making a mistake because:
You're missing out on residual income.
You don't know this person from Adam. For all you know, they are a devout Dave Ramsey listener and they are totally debt free and have money invested in mutual funds and retirement accounts. They don't need your claim of residual income. You're going on hype again...and using a psychological tactic of trying to scare someone into thinking they're missing out on something. Don't do that. Don't play mind games.
You lose sales when you bombard people. You lose sales because you don't look for qualified prospects. You lose sales because you care more about money than people. You lose sales because you play mind games. Put people first. Your business will grow in an organic way that offers more long term results (more money, more sign ups) because you took the time to put people first.